From beginner level to high-end specialist training.

Get a solid knowledge of working in the proximity of energized circuits…and learn how to realize projects safely.
Brief summary of the content:
- The electrical basics for better understanding of the working methods:
To improve or to refresh the existing knowledge. - Grounding, minimum distances, earth faults, different star point groundings and their impact, electromagnetic fields, etc.
- Approximated calculation of induced voltages for practical purpose.
- Cradle block methods, calculation and choice of ropes and equipment, other stringing methods, practical tips and hints.
- Safety measures, Safe-Job-Analysis.

Experience the principles and working practice of gin poles.
Theoretical and practical training in the gin pole assembly and erection of lattice towers and other applications.
Brief description of Part I:
For engineers, planners, project and site managers, technicians.
- Types of gin poles, terminology, different applications.
- Calculation of forces and the choice of appropriate tools and equipment.
- Working methods in detail.
- Tips and hints.
- Case studies
- Project and site organization.
- Safety measures, Safe Work Analysis.
Brief description of Part II:
For both participants from Part I and foremen, linemen, riggers as well as other people interested.
- Types of gin poles, terminology, different applications.
- Working methods in detail, practical realization and daily work flow.
- Tips and hints
- Case studies
- Safety measures, Health & Safety.
- If desired (highly recommended!), practical exercises on the ground with a gin pole.

A complete wrap-up of transmission line tension stringing for both newbies, managers and experts.
Overhead conductor tension stringing on all kinds of transmission lines at all voltage levels.
Some details:
- Theoretical background of tension stringing.
- Conductors, fiber optic cables, correct handling, etc.
- Equipment and machines: Calculation of appropriate machinery and equipment.
- Project and site organization.
- Working methods in detail.
- H&S, SJA, etc.

Manual calculation of induction voltages and currents:
A professional project management approach of working in proximity of energized circuits and plants and a solid basis for Method Statements, SJA and H&S plans.
The participants will be able to make their own independent calculations and assessments rather than blindly trusting “one-click results” from software programs.
- Theoretical basics.
- Geometric Mean Radius GMR of a multi-layer conductor and its calculation, GMD
- Complex earth depth, etc.
- Electric field induction, image conductors, capacitance of transmission lines.
- Magnetic field induction, Carson’s self- and mutual impedance.
- Effect of shield wires.
- Calculation examples: Precise calculation according to the IEEETM 524 standard, Schnell / Clarke.
“IEEE Guide for the installation of overhead Transmission Line Conductors”,
IEEE Std 524-2016 (Revision of IEEE Std 524-2003, April 2017) - Comparison of the results with and without shield wires or underground cables with neutral.
Alternative calculations according to Clem, Dubanton, etc. and their limitations. - Case studies: Non parallel circuits, pipelines, underground and telecommunication cables.